The revamped Kai Yip Recreation Centre is a product of collaborative partnerships. Gaw Capital Partners has invested over HKD $2 million for the renovation to help promote sports and create a space that local residents could be proud of. From the renovation phase to the operation phase, Gaw Capital Partners and its project design team have demonstrated bold innovative flare towards multi-functional and flexible design and made a concerted effort to tailor the community’s needs that bring positive vibe.
The design theme of the sportsground is “dedication” (敬業、樂業) which symbolizes the Chinese pronunciation of “Kai Yip”. Its unique design was integral to the curation of the development, with the aim to introduce an integrated experience for the local community, focusing on creativity, flexibility, connectivity and the community’s growing need for work-life balance in the public estate.
Kai Yip Recreation Centre injects dynamism into Kai Yip public estate with its diverse offerings complementing the community while maintaining its distinct “golden cage” character. The synergy between the Shopping Centre tenants and the end users of the Recreation Centre captures the energy and extends the vitality of Kai Yip after the refurbishment.