- To maintain our buildings’ overall ability to provide a comfortable, healthy, and productive environment over the long term without negatively impacting the environment.
- To ensure our asset management to be under an efficient and manageable processes and systems in place which comply with stakeholder requirements related to quality, health and safety, environmental management, corporate social responsibility and other areas of sustainable development.
Relevant UNSDG Achievements

Environmental Cases
Kunshan Data Center Phase 1, managed under Gaw Capital Partners & Centrin Data Systems, named Carbon Neutral Data Center Innovator
Green Loans: DUO Towers, Singapore
Sustainability Elements in Kai Yip Recreation Centre, Hong Kong
Green Loans: 1111 King’s Road, Hong Kong
LEED Gold: Euro America Financial City Tower 6, Hangzhou
LEED Gold: Shanghai MixC Block A, B, C & D Office Buildings
LEED Gold: Skybridge HQ
Green Initiatives in Ocean Tower, Shanghai
Pacific Century Place, Beijing
Green initiatives in Ciro’s Plaza, Shanghai