What does Sustainability mean to Gaw Capital Partners?
At Gaw Capital Partners, we align with relevant United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) and our business priorities to curate our ESG objectives
Sustainability Commitments
Case Study
Sustainability Policy
Our approach to sustainability is to fully integrate the principles into our business operations. We believe that taking a responsible approach to real estate investment will protect and increase the value of our investments, thereby enhancing returns for our fund investors.
Sustainability-related Disclosure
Responsible Investment Policy
The Responsible Investment policy is to define an investment approach that considers the financial and non-financial impacts of an investment on all stakeholders and is aligned with the Principles of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (“UN PRI”).
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Gaw Capital Partners Forms Partnership with Maoneng Group to Invest into Renewable Energy Sector in Australia
Gaw Capital Partners has entered Australia’s fast growing renewable energy sector with a majority investment in Maoneng Group’s Australian business, the developer of one of the largest portfolios of battery energy storage systems (BESS) in Australia.

Hong Kong’s First Rooftop Run Base in H.A.N.D.S Shopping Centre, People's Place, Hong Kong
To further develop H.A.N.D.S Shopping Centre into a healthy and vibrant “Community Sports Hub”, a 15,000 sq. ft. Run Base, the first of its kind in Hong Kong, has been recently introduced, as part of the 110,000 sq. ft.

Revitalization of the Rooftop Basketball Court of Tsing Yi Shopping Centre, People's Place, Hong Kong
People’s Place joining hands with Hennessy (NBA's official spirit partner) and art group HKwalls, invited Hong Kong-based street artist TAXA to revitalize the community’s rooftop basketball court of Tsing Yi Shopping Centre.